Thursday, January 19, 2017

Storybook Favorites: Insight to the Semester

Bedtime Stories

This storybook was very interesting. It was entirely new to me, but creating a journey through the stories by telling "bedtime stories" was very familiar. There is something about a bed time story, even reading about it from the outside, that seems familiar, inviting, and intriguing. While the overall title didn’t give much insight to what the storybook is about, the subtitles for the individual stories gave a general idea to what each story would be about. The layout and design of the page are nice. The sparkles on the page make things feel more like a dream, which helped me develop the attitude of a reader for bedtime stories. The Introduction has a good hook with setting up the scene for the main characters to tell bedtime stories to their children but leaves you wanting more by not telling the actual story until the following part of the storybook. The stories were well written and fun read, and the page was easy to navigate.

A Blue Man Hunting a Gold Deer While a Pretty Girl Watches
(Image Information: Web Source: ConceptArt)

Rama vs. Sita

There were a few elements to this story book that I loved. While the story was entirely new, it seemed remotely familiar, and I had some understanding because of the previous story book I had read. The introduction set up the entire storybook well by breaking it into parts, almost like a series of events, with each important event or part of a trial as a new story in the book. This is clever because the reader always wants to read on to reach the "ending." The navigation was simple as well as the design. The title was moderately clear. It was obvious from the title there would be two people against each other, but contextually it could have been about anything. The sub story titles did a better job at conveying the context of the original title. In my storybook, I might like to use the style that this storybook did, taking one large story and breaking it up into significant chapters.

Delilah's Radio Hour

This was probably my favorite of the three storybooks I explored for several reasons. First, I thought the topic and layout was very clever. Second, it was familiar. Third, it was a unique approach. The introduction was a good way of setting up the entire book and clearly allowed a reader to see that this was a twist on the Delilah show. Just as Delilah makes me want to stay to listen to a caller, this storybook Delilah captivated me, making me want to read on. The creativity of the was unlike any of the others. The design was simple and not distracting which allowed the reader to be in tune with the story. I would potentially like to use dialogue in my storybook as this storybook did. This was my favorite.

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