Saturday, February 25, 2017

Wikipedia Trails from Pandavas: The Five Warriors to Disney India

Pandavas: The Five Warriors

I started with the Pandavas, and a story on Wikipedia called Pandavas: The Five Warriors. I was originally interested in them from the reading, and from this Wikipedia post, I learned there was a computer animated film about the Pandavas. The story takes viewers through the Pandavas and the struggles they face with their cousins and the battle between good and evil.

List of Indian animated feature films

I then clicked to a 'see also' link that led me to the list of Indian animated feature films. There were tons and tons of films. I noticed that several of the films were named after characters from the epics we had been reading. It is cool because I forget that though the epics we have been reading don't focus on a lot of the characters, they still have back stories. It also mentioned a few things about Aladin.

The Walt Disney Company (India)

By following another link, I found myself on the page listed above. I never thought much about Disney in India, not even in regards to Aladin. Disney started operating in India in 1993. I was born in '95. Like what? They have translated movies and films, as well as their own Disney channel India. how cool! Some movies are Indian movies with no English version! That is neat! 

Dinsey India

The last link I followed was not a Wikipedia link but a link to Disney Indias website. Check it out! 

This website has all kinds of neat content! I even noticed a show about Arjun but animated!!?!?! Talk about a source!!  

Image Information: Arjun Disney India Show
Source: Disney India

1 comment:

  1. It seriously is cool how all the seemingly minor, throwaway characters in the Ramayana and Mahabharata actually have complex backstories of their own, which I often forget about. It all kind of reminds me of superhero comics in that respect, with their generations’ worth of complications and convoluted backstories, though all that is obviously heightened with the epics. The Indian Disney channel and show about Arjun both look really interesting! I’ll definitely have to look into this more.
