Reading Notes Mohini's Secret | 7 Secrets of Vishnu Part A
Mohini Part 1
I like that they explain the way Vishnu as a woman is different than other enchantresses. That her motive is different because she in reincarnated as women but is actually male.
I like the idea that 2 worlds can exist at one time.
Differentiating between spiritual reality and material reality is interesting. I amused by the fact that people are upset that Vishnu as women depicts material reality.
The talk of metaphysics made this seem more like a study than a story. It is an entirely different type of source than I have been familiar with.
How can I tie the colors associated with reality into my stories?
Red is representative of material reality
White is representative of spiritual reality.
Vishnu: That which expands to occupy everything. He is a god that celebrates infinite growth.
Spiritual growth: The power to overcome emotions.
Mohini Part 2
Brahma represents infinite consciousness.
Everything that is born eventually dies.
Outside in nature, everything is moving, and one has to act to survive.
Aspects of nature that frighten and aspects of nature. I could tie this into the Wild West Storybook.
What was good in one place may be bad in another. Good concept. Confuses the character applies to (Vishnu?)
Maya means delusion. What types of Maya will the characters have in the Wild West?
Prakriti is the forest in which man is no different than other animals. Another good concept to tie into. One of my characters could wander into the desert or Prakriti and be one with nature.. or nature and animals could simply seek to kill him like they would other animals because they are the same.
What about a story as a dream of one of my characters where they dream one of the Indian epics?
Image Information: Mohini offering the Gods Amrita
Author: Norvanamim
Source: Wikimedia
Title: Mohini's Secret | 7 Secrets of VishnuAuthor: Epicast
Year: 2016