Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Week 9 Storytelling: One Tough Tornado

One Tough Tornado

It had not been raining long when Krishna got a call from the town sheriff.

Sherif: "Krishna, it's not looking good out tonight. I believe there is a storm rolling in. A storm bigger than any of us town folk has ever experienced. The people are scared. I have questions about what everyone needs to do, and I don't have any answers. Can you help me, partner."

Krishna: "Well Sheriff, I do reckon you're right. This storm looks mighty big. Now, I don't have a lot of advice in regards to the questions, but I got an idea for staying safe from this storm."

Sheriff: "Well boy we ain't got much time so tell me what you're thinking?"

Krishna: "I'll call you soon, let me see what I can do."

Krishna hung up the phone with dozens of ideas circling in his mind. The town folks were scared, but they had options. Krishna had seen storms before. Krishna figured that everyone could load up brave the rain and head east to calmer lands, but that came with the risk of running into unfriendly outlaws. The sheriff wouldn't go for that. Krishna also considered a few other options before settling on creating a shelter for the town folk.

Krishna called the sheriff back.

Sheriff: "Krishna, please tell me you've come up with a solution."

Krishna: "Yes sir, do you recall if those old tunnels are still under the WindyDay Saloon?"

Sheriff: "I believe they are, no one has been down there in years.. can that be a good solution?

Krishna: "Sir I think its the only option we have, and honest we don't have much time. Meet me at the saloon with all the town folk you can find in ten minutes. You can not afford to be late."
Krishna hung up once more. He started sending all those he crossed to the saloon. He had 8 minutes until he needed to meet the sheriff. As Krishna looked to the west the skies were dark, the wind was screaming, and the whirlwind of chaos was moving toward the city at speeds unseen. A tornado was about to hit the town.

Krishna made it to the saloon with 2 minutes to spare. The sheriff and townspeople were in a panic. Krishna lead them all to the tunnels he had asked the sheriff about previously. Once all were underground and secure, Krishna stepped back outside to check the status of the storm. It was getting closer and closer. Krishna was a western man and followed few rules, but knew if the God his momma always told him about were real He would be the only one who could save the town now. At that moment, as the tornado reached the edge of the town blowing the pig feeders, hay bails, and rocking chairs array Krishna hit his knees and reached his hands toward the sky.
Krishan with outstretched arms prayed.

Krishna: "God, if you exist spare this town for they are good people. Calm Your winds and cease Your rain."

Seconds later, the rain stopped, the winds died, and the setting sun broke behind the horizon.
A little boy who had not made it to the tunnels was watching big eyed and terrified from a shop window nearby.  As the townspeople emerged from the tunnels and saw the storm had ceased they were relieved. The little boy ran into the crowd of emerging people and was retelling what he had witnessed.

They boy spoke and said, "I saw Krishna on his knees in the midst of the storm with arms outreached. It was like he strangled the tornado."

Authors Note: I wanted to take an approach with this story using Krishna strangling the Tornado. I feel like the story makes a lot more sense if you have knowledge of the original epic.  I felt like the tornado was exactly what the Wild West theme in my storybook was going for. While some elements ty to my storybook, I hope to change the title and character names for my storybook, but my creative juices were flowing as written, so I didn't want to alter the direction I felt I was taking this story. I'd consider this a story to inspire a better more elaborate, edited version of the story I hope to add to my storybook.


Title: Krishna
Author: Epified TV (India)
Year: 2015

Image Information: Krishna Eating Butter
Author: Shrinet27
Source: Wikimedia


  1. This was such a good read! My favorite part was the little boy retelling what he saw. I like how you started that part of your story by everything calming down. It ironically added a dramatic vibe to your story. I also really liked how you portrayed the storm—something very serious and scary. I think you did a great job with this story!

  2. Hi Ali,
    I really liked what you have done with this story. I could really imagine everything you wrote. From the characters, to the plot, to the little details, this story was really thought out. Your author's note was informative, but I wish I knew more about the original story or part of the Epified video in which you took this story from. Overall, you did such a great job with this story! The creative writing style you took on was really good! Nice job!

  3. Ali, you did very well at building suspense and creativity in this story. I loved reading this with the western theme you had going throughout. While reading about the storm coming and Krishna’s desire to help the town, it kept me intrigued the whole time. I felt like this story represented well his aspiration to save the town from the coming storm and built his character.
