Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Week 8 Growth Mindset

I took the charted and made myself answer honestly to the following, highlighted is where I feel I am right now. 

doing the minimum vs. pushing yourself to go further
looking for praise and other rewards vs. finding the motivation inside yourself
staying in the comfort zone vs. being willing to try new things
focusing on grades vs. focusing on learning
expecting things to stay the same vs. being ready for things to change
taking a short-term view vs. taking a long-term view
letting others make choices for you vs. setting your own goals
playing it safe vs. taking risks
thinking you are "not good" at something vs. being confident you can improve
choosing what's easy vs. choosing what's hard
wanting to get things right the first time vs. being ready to spend time practicing
doing things at the last minute  vs. setting your own schedule and priorities
generally feeling bored and/or frustrated vs. generally feeling curious and/or excited
wanting only positive feedback  vs. being open to any and all feedback
being a perfectionist vs. always ready to learn more
feeling defensive about mistakes vs. being willing to learn from mistakes
comparing yourself to others vs. focusing on your own progress
sticking to what you know vs. asking lots of questions

My strengths and weaknesses through this class are apparent now that we are at week 8. My strengths are my ability to incorporate other stories into my own stories that are based on the epics we have been reading. My weaknesses have been my time management and my creativity. I think I need to do better at a time blocking for creativity I time block for assignments, but I do that with the expectation that I will be able to jump right in and write away. That has not been the case. I need more time to plan and get my creative juices flowing. 

I think that as I have studied and read, I have learned a lot. I hope my writing has reflected that. I still think that I could be better about making statements rooted in a growth mindset. I need to make more declarative statements about my creativity and ability to write that are constructive and positive rather than fixed. 

I like that this week is a relaxed wee. MY BRAIN IS FRIED. I need it to look more like this right brain image. 

Those are my thoughts for now.

Image Information: Right Brain
By: Allan Ajifo

Source: Wikimedia

1 comment:

  1. It was nice reading where you think you stand on different categories. When looking at your highlighted areas, it definitely does seem like you are extrinsically motivated instead of intrinsically motivated since you focus on rewards and grades. It was also great that you were able to identify your weaknesses! Everyone has weaknesses but sometimes people do not like to point them out.
