Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Reading Notes: Narayan's Ramayana, Section D

Chapter 8

Memento From Rama

I could write of the lives of some of Ravana's abandoned wives

Why did he not take Sita or fight for her.

Why was she untouched and dusty

I could twist this with her having engaged in a relationship with Ravana

Chapter 9

Ravana In Council

It was confusing that Ravana's brother was so opposed to Ravanas ideas. He already supports evil. Maybe he thought people would change their ways.

Chapter 10

Across the Ocean

I think that it is interesting that everyone but Hanuman wanted to reject Vibishana.

I could write a story about Vibishana getting on the good side of Rama and his men to attack.

It is crazy they accumulated pebbles to create a way to Lanka when previously by Hanuman.

Chapter 11

The Siege of Lanka

I could write in detail on Ravanas son being killed by Lakshama.

I like how there was a fake murder of Sita that crushed the monkey's morale.

I could write a back story of Ravana's sleeping brother

Chapter 12

Rama and Ravana in Battle

I wonder why this part of the book they spent much more time with small details than any other part.

The elaboration on weapons seemed to be a big part of this chapter.

Whether a story or for the project I could write a eulogy to Ravana

Chapter 13


I don't understand why Sita had to jump into a fire to be received by Rama

Its sad that Rama acted as though he completed his duty and love was not a factor given it is what drove him for so long.

Chapter 14

The Coronation

I like that the story ends where it started almost as if it completed a full circle.

I also like that Rama's dad got to come back and talk to his Son. It was the saddest part of the book.

I also think it would be cool to write an alternate ending where Rama dies.. because that would be dramatic. Although, I would have to remove the part about him not being able to die since he is like (the) God. 

Image Information: Forest dwelling Rama and Lakshmi battle Ravana
By: Mandi
Source: Wikimedia

Narayan, R. K. (1972). The Ramayana: a shortened modern prose version of the Indian epic. Penguin.http://iereadingguides.blogspot.com/2015/05/week-1-of-2-narayans-ramayana-reading.html

Reading Notes: Narayan's Ramayana, Section C

Chapter 6


Kiskinda is a mountainous region. I love the mountains. Maybe it would be fun to write about them.

Sugreeva's Story

I wonder where Vali went. 

It is cool they "pushed up" the mountains. I forget how powerful the characters are. 

It could be cool to write about Sugreeva and Vali as Rama and Lakshama. 

Sita could become married to Lakshama. 

I like Rama's willingness to help Sugreeva

Does Rama know he is Vishnu?

Dundubi's Story

I could write of Sugreeva thinking that Rama had plotted to have his wife taken so he could get closer to Sugreeva to kill him, per request of his brother Vali.

It is sad they feel the need to get rid of Vali because I feel as though he was misunderstood. He thought his brother was plotting against him.

The brother's issues (Sugreevas and Valis) remind me of vampire diaries. Especially with the wife situation. Like how Stephan had Elaina and then Damon did.

Vali's post injury lecture to Rama was deep. introspective.

The way that Vali had a change of heart after Rama explained why he was killing him was random but deep and honest. The ceremony of Valis wife and kid mourning him is very sad.

Chapter 7

When the Rains Cease

I write about what was happening in Sugrreva's life that caused him to be over the 4 months.

I could rewrite the search for Sita in the mountains, like an adventure.

I like that the mountains "called" 

I would like to personify the mountains and write a whole story about them. 

Image Information: Vali, the Monkey King killed by Rāma
Author: Company School
Source: Wikimedia

Narayan, R. K. (1972). The Ramayana: a shortened modern prose version of the Indian epic. Penguin.http://iereadingguides.blogspot.com/2015/05/week-1-of-2-narayans-ramayana-reading.html

Monday, January 30, 2017

Learning Challenge: Gratitude


This extra credit assignment on gratitude started with one video (linked below) called The Amazing Effects of Gratitude. I liked it a lot. It talks about gratitude's location on the emotion scale. It talked about people tracking how grateful they were for a week and each day what they were grateful for. After following this month after month, happiness increased. The idea was that a gratitude journal improves the physical, emotional, and mental health of individuals over time.

Then, on the suggested videos sidebar I saw, The Gratitude Experiment (also linked below). It suggested that a gratitude journal is also beneficial, but went on to challenge the watcher to do an activity. This activity was actually one of several in what the speaker called a well cast journal.

I followed to the related videos that introduced the idea of this WellCast journal and liked the idea. I have decided to watch these videos for the next several weeks and participate in the challenge. If you are interested here is the link. WellCast Challenge

I hope to keep you guys updates on this ass I complete the tasks in the Learning Challenge Extra Credit Posts!

I am a sucker for personal development!

Image Information: Gratitude Quote by Steve Maraboli
Post/ Photo Credit: BK
Source: Flickr

The Amazing Effects of Gratitudehttps://youtu.be/_sokh9e2WGc

The Gratitude Experiment

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Growth Mindset: Insight to How Praise Effects Me


After watching Carol Dweck - A Study on Praise and Mindsets a presentation by Trevor Ragan I got to thinking very introspectively.

I chose this particular video at random. It ironically matched up with this week's discussion on feedback. It also goes back to what I was saying when we first were introduced to Growth Mindset in this class. 

Growing up I would've been the kid who was praised by being called intelligent, and then because of that, I didn't give up when things were difficult. I didn't get frustrated. I just avoided it all together. I think that is really a shame. I am a smart girl who has always put a lot of effort into the things I do, but I typically never kept doing things I wasn't good at the first try. 

I thnk of if I would have been praised and given feedback through the Growth Mindset how many more things I would've attempted or kept doing in life.

When I was 8, I tried playing the guitar. It was difficult, and I was not naturally good, so I stopped. 
When I was 17, I tore my ACL, MCL, and meniscus cheering. I had planned on trying out at here at OU with confidence I would make the team. It took me 18 months to recover, and I had lost so much time that I did not even try to apply myself to rehabilitate to the point where I would be able to try out. I just stopped. 

I think that I missed out on a lot of growth opportunities because of a fixed mindset that was wrong. I hope always to approach others with a Growth Mindset, and eventually keep changing my mindset as well.

Image Information: Growth Mindset
By: Jessica Ottewell

Carol Dweck - A Study on Praise and Mindsets

Feedback Thoughts: Giving and Receiving Feedback


I have attached the articles I read for this assignment at the bottom of the page.

I think the topic of giving and receiving feedback is important to read about and study. I truly believe that each generation gives and receives it differently. Maybe more specifically each individual gives and receives it differently. However, I do believe there are several main ideas and ways to the approach feedback that can help all individuals. 

I remember growing up how hard my dad was on me. He wasn't extreme, just extremely expectant. He knew I was capable therefore he pushed me hard. He always rewarded me when I did well but failed to provide reassurance or feedback (that was positive) when I did not meet his expectations. 

I believe because I grew up that way I am able to give feedback well because I recognize how much it can help people grow, but I have always struggled to receive feedback. Mostly negative feedback, or constructive feedback.

The articles I read had great points about trying to promote growth mindset, as well as ways to be a mirror, not a critic. I also liked the way the articles talked about self-thoughts. I believe that often people receive negative feedback, but are overly sensitive or emotional to be able to apply it. Then, on the opposite spectrum, people are too expectant to hear positive feedback for things that they should be doing because it is in their job description, in their handbook, or because it is simply the right thing to do.

Personally, I work with volunteers every day at work and it is important that I am able to give feedback to them as best and most effectively as I can.

I love feedback and learning how to receive it can definitely shape you and help you grow.

I love self-help books and such. So, I found these articles really insightful!!

Image Information: Feedbag, not feedback 
Photo Credit: Karl Horton
Source: Flickr

Why rejection hurts so much — and what to do about it, by Guy Winch

Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head, by Sabina Nawaz

Be a Mirror: Give Readers Feedback That Fosters a Growth Mindset, by Gravity Goldberg

Presence, Not Praise: How To Cultivate a Healthy Relationship with Achievement, by Maria Popova

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Week 2 Story Planning: Forgiveness for Lya

Ahalya's Story

Within the first few sentences, I am thinking beauty and the beast. Belle and Gaston specifically. 

Indra could be a stocker. It is morbid, but this could be a suspenseful rather than a fairytale.

The adultery reminds me of two things. 1. David and Bathsheba 2. The x-man movie where the blue girl changes appearances and sneaks into Wolverines tent as the girl he is interested in.

The body being covered by the female organ is just gross. Guess that would show the world where your thoughts lie for sure.

It would be cool to write and shed light on Ahalya thoughts while she was stone.

Rama reminds me of Jesus sometimes, "let your heart not be burdened with what is past and gone" (pg. 21). Just as Jesus tells the woman from the well, to get up and sin no more.

Ahalya is going to be called Lya for simplicity of me remembering the name and for pronunciation purposes.

Brahma will be Lya's, father/creator. (In the sense of God)
Sage Gautama will be called Sagu in this story. (He will be like a living holy spirit/Jesus)

Indra will be like Kind David from the bible in a sense. He will also be devilish.

I would like to map the story out as follows...

Brahma creates and loves (like a daughter) Lya. He realizes the world and the things in it are corrupt and disgusting, so he sends her to be with Sagu. Sagu protects her as well as gives her a sense of peace, joy, and understanding from right/wrong.
One day when Lya is old enough to make decisions on her own because Sagu has taught her and guided her well, but her father sees she is in good hands and wants her to stay with Sagu.
Lya will grow up and live in a village having a nice life, she even has a crush on a boy in the village.

Indra will be a married man.
In the middle of the story, Indra will see Lya bathing on her rooftop. Indra will be overfilled with temptation and approach Lya.

Indra appears in the shape of Lya's crush from the village professing his love for her and his desire to be with her.

Lya will be flattered, and they will have relations. A village friend accidentally will barge in and see what is happening. She will freak about the relations causing Lya to see clearly. She will see past Indra's disguise. Indra will flee, but the woman will drag Lya out to the city center where she will be surrounded by all the city folk. They are all ready to kill her or exile her or something.

Sagu will walk upon the incident convicting all the bystanders of their wrong doings, getting Lya off the hook, and pushing her on to a better life telling her that if she were ever to do something foolish like that again, it is possible she would be turned to stone for the rest of her life.

Then Lya will go, and the story will end.

Image Information: David and Bathsheba
Bathsheba bathing on the roof by Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée
Source: Wikimedia

Please note the things in red were my reading notes.


Narayan, R. K. (1972). The Ramayana: a shortened modern prose version of the Indian epic. Penguin.http://iereadingguides.blogspot.com/2015/05/week-1-of-2-narayans-ramayana-reading.html

English Standard Version. Bible Gateway. Web. 25 Jan. 2017

Reading Notes: Narayan's Ramayana, Section B

Chapter 4

Encounters in Exile

I thought it was fascinating that Rama has the ability to deny temptation, and see people for who they really are like the beautiful goddess in the forest.

I also thought the goddess went to crazy extremes.

I could possibly write about Rama choosing to trick the goddess instead of denying her.

Rama's brother is so awesome. He doesn't get talked about enough in the story, so It might be cool to follow him and his thoughts.

The goddess is pissed about Rama denying her and plots against him, but what if it would have been successful?

Chapter 5

The Grand Tormentor

The book has spent so much time building up Ravana 

It is interesting how Ravana's sister shifted her love for Rama to Sita being a fitting woman for her brother. Very smart of her.

The way everyone is so overcome with love throughout the stories is interesting. I could take the stories from a completely different perspective and be "love" like the holy spirit that swept through Egypt taking the lives of firstborn sons in unmarked homes, I could be writing as love, the swift moving criminal who infects people with obsession.

Sita became obsessed with materialism and that caused her to end up in the hands of Ravana.

The golden deer reminds me of the golden calf (mostly because it is gold, but also because it is idolized) 

The story ends here with Rama searching for his bride. 

Ravana is savage and killed the old helper dude who is a bird. The bird guy was loyal and bought some time for Rama to catch up.
Image Information: Ravana Approaches Sita 
By: Chitra Ramayana
Source: Wikimedia


Narayan, R. K. (1972). The Ramayana: a shortened modern prose version of the Indian epic. Penguin.http://iereadingguides.blogspot.com/2015/05/week-1-of-2-narayans-ramayana-reading.html

Monday, January 23, 2017

Reading Notes: Narayan's Ramayana, Section A

Chapter 1

Ramas Initiation

Viswamithra seems mysterious, maybe he is evil?

This story reminds me of Abraham and Sarah and their faith through Sarah's barrenness because Dasaratha prayed for children.

I like how it talks about a child leaving a parent like a seedling leaving the tree.

The travel through the desert was super descriptive. Maybe I can write of this as the age of dinosaurs.

It seems strange the boys had enough faith and obedience to follow Viswamithra.

Thataka's Story

I think the biggest thing that stood out to me was the extent to which Thataka was serpent-like. Maybe I make her a snake.

I also feel like it would be interesting to write about her son's. Like a, where are they now?

Also, What about Rama's brother in became irrelevant very quickly

Mahabali's Story

So Rama is human too but doesn't know it? Does he live two lives at the same time with no idea of the other existing life?

This story confused me very much. I struggled to follow.

It was interesting how three steps grew It reminds me of a genie in a bottle type of situation

Ganga's Story

I like the way the horse trots through the lands. The horse determines what land is owned by the horse's owner. It is like fate. 

The idea of oceans being formed from where the boys dug for the horse is a cool visual.

The story ended with the telling of a new story, as they commonly have. I like this writing technique. It would be cool to introduce new characters through another character story over and over without ending the original story. This means there would always be a transfer of the main character.

Ahalya's Story

Within the first few sentences, I am thinking beauty and the beast. Belle and Gaston specifically. 

Indra could be a stocker. It is morbid, but this could be a suspenseful rather than a fairytale.

The adultery reminds me of two things. 1. David and Bathsheba 2. The x-man movie where the blue girl changes appearances and sneaks into Wolverines tent as the girl he is interested in.

The body being covered by the female organ is just gross. Guess that would show the world where your thoughts lie for sure.

It would be cool to write and shed light on Ahalya thoughts while she was stone.

Rama reminds me of Jesus sometimes, "let your heart not be burdened with what is past and gone" (pg. 21). Just as Jesus tells the woman from the well, to get up and sin no more.

Chapter 2

The Wedding

What if Rama seeing Sita was a dream?

Incorporating Deja Vu, or what they thought was Deja Vu, but actually glimpses of their heaven life together.

The sins as a bird is an interesting thought.

She was sick with love literally is something to mention.

I like how it gives insight to both lovers thoughts and perspective

Shiva is like a Disney princess, like Jasmine.

Rama and the bow remind me of Thor and his hammer or King Arthur and his sword

Sitas threat to end her life gives a very Romeo and Juliet vibe.

I could have Ramas father die before making it to the wedding

Viswamithras leaving is sad.

All 3 boys got marries, with no detail of their love stories, besides Rama's.

Chapter 3

Two Promises Revived

I could write that Rama doesn't want to be king or is killed by his brothers

Dasaratha's current wife Kaikeyi is easily manipulated by her servant

Ramas brother loyalty is crazy

Bharatha's mother was evil.

What the agreement the came to was good. 

I liked this story. It will be difficult to change. Maybe I will write of the reason everyone loved Rama

Image information: Personal photo
Ruger trying to help me read The Ramayana

Image Information: Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana in the forest
Author: Raja Ravi Press
Source: Wikimedia


Narayan, R. K. (1972). The Ramayana: a shortened modern prose version of the Indian epic. Penguin.http://iereadingguides.blogspot.com/2015/05/week-1-of-2-narayans-ramayana-reading.html

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Famous Last Words: First Week of Senior Year

This week has been exciting. I love the beginning of the semester because everything is fresh and no one is burned out yet. While I now this usually fades within the first couple of weeks, I hope that the format and layout of this class can keep me motivated and on top of things. I enjoy that beyond our regular assignments, which are super fun, there are self-growth with extra credit opportunities. ( O am a sucker for anything self- help or personal development.)

This post might differ a tad than the 'Famous Last Words' posts to come because it was the first week. There wasn't reading from text this week, but rather a lot of reading and rereading the assignment to make sure every time I was submitting something that I was doing correctly! I did choose my reading for week two, though. So we are about to hit the ground running. I think this week was a learning curve. This class style is new, and I enjoy it. I think it allowed me to work more freely. My best writing this week was probably in my week one story. I am not naturally creative, so I put time and effort into choosing a story and writing something that parallels to another story that was important to me. It was interesting to read the writing styles of other students. I forget writing is so unique to each. There are some very creative students in this class!

Beyond this class, things are going well. My classes are interesting, and I have enjoyed them. I will say things have been a tad rough the first week. I lost a grandparent ( it is okay ) I just say this because, with planning and visiting family, I have been preoccupied.

I hope that next week is better in regards to time to take care of course work and real work.
All that being said, I have very much enjoyed this week of school and looked forward to a new semester. Maybe I'll adopt a new growth mindset!

Image Information: Optimistic Stock Photo
Source: Pixabay


Growth Mindset: Redefining Learning

Growth Mindset...

Carol Dweck is an incredibly brilliant mind. I have never heard of her or the growth mindset, but she reminds me a lot of an educator I know who believes very similarly.
Thinking about all that was unpacked in the few videos I watched over Growth Mindset causes me to evaluate myself. I think it hit home when Dr. Dweck talked about traditional fixed mindsets. Sadly, I think that is how I would categorize myself. I like a reward, effort causes me to feel unintelligent, and I am unhappy when I don't perform at an 'A' level.

Since I have been at OU, I have learned a lot. I graduated high school as a valedictorian but made a C in my very first college class. (Micro Economics, YUCK) At the time, I was convinced I was trying. I attended class every day, I worked out problems like the ones we reviewed, and I attended tutoring. If you ask me now why I believe I struggled, I think I would say because I had the wrong mindset. I wasn't working to learn; I was working to perform at the level I always had. Since then, I have made a vow to myself to approach college differently, and four semesters later I am back to making all A's and loving the material I am learning.

I am very interested in learning more about the growth mindset, particularly the research behind it. (because I am a communication major, and it is research driven, not mass communication.

This semester, I believe growth mindset could help me with all of my classes, continuing to evolve why and how I approach my education.

Image Information: Edcuated Kitty from Professor Gibbs Blog

Time Strategies: The Truth of the Matter

The truth of the matter is, I don't have time to procrastinate. That does not mean that I do not, but I have so much going on any given week I can not afford to procrastinate. When I do, the consequences are worse than taking the initial hit up front by doing whatever it is I am putting off. My motivation to procrastinate comes from a place of wanting down time, or time to do nothing, or something other than what I should be doing.

One way that helps me manage this is Time Blocking. Time Blocking every half hour out the evening before or the morning of a particular day helps to organize what I know I need to get done into chunks of time. Some people block weekly, but I prefer daily because so much can change. The blocks act as a skeleton. You know you need to complete the things in the blocks by then end of the day, and while they are blocked for a specific time frame, if need be blocking can be an edit as you go type of time management. The part of time blocking that I feel sets it apart from other time management advice, is that you can block in time for nonsense or social media, etc. This means you can still accomplish what you need to in a day, with blocked in wiggle room to give yourself healthy breaks.

Image Information: Weekly Time Blocking Example
 Source: Blogspot

For this assignment I read, Four Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination by Peter Banerjea. He spoke of four questions that can help you overcome procrastination. They were "me" questions. They have you focus on how choosing to will affect you rather than benefit you. The idea is instead of asking all the reasons why you can put it off, ask yourself all the reasons you can not afford to. He takes an interesting idea on self-evaluation and applying motivational tidbits. 
I liked the article, I am not sure simply asking myself why I can not afford to put it off will work for me, but he did mention making things easier by getting a head start on them, and I thought that was good. I often like to make myself sit down and do all of a project because breaking it up causes me to have spacey thoughts, but if I can work on the blending of broken work, maybe I will not feel so overwhelmed.

I will continue time blocking, as well as trying to break up work into bite-size, manageable pieces. With that being said, I feel like my weekly schedule for this course helps me do exactly that, and it blocks well. 

Love this assignment! 


Four Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination. (2016, August 8). LifeHacker. Retrieved from http://lifehacker.com/four-questions-to-help-you-overcome-procrastination-1784833178

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Reading Options: R. K. Narayan's Ramayana

For week two I will be reading R. K. Narayan's Ramayana version of the story. The factors that most influenced my decision are simple. I like the idea of simple structure and modern style, but mostly the influencing factor was I want to hold a copy of the book in my hands. Something about a physical copy of a book makes me enjoy it more.

My interests thus far are all over. I do not know exactly how I feel about anything I have come across. I like the story of the Golden Deer I read on one of the storybooks because it reminded me of the Bible story of the golden calf at first thought. 

I have never taken epic literature before, and I have not been introduced to the genre really at all. I am a very pragmatic and cookie cutter person, therefor my imagination and creative side does not flow easily. I have however learned about mythology. When I was younger I went through a program that did a unit on mythology, I remember enjoying it and studying it more on my own after, but since have not put much thought into it. When I think of the words 'mythology' and 'epic' the movie Hercules comes to mind (tat was my honest first thought). 

I have never taken classes about religion before. I do not know much about Islam although, I taught myself a little about Buddhism in high school. I do however identify as Christian, and read the Bible. 

While I know there are many interesting facts about Indian history and culture, I have never personally studied or familiarized myself with it. I am excited to learn through this class. Everything from the food, music, films, and dance are unfamiliar to me.  

I was browsing the page of pictures to look at, and none of them were familiar to me. This picture in particular caught my eye though. I found it interesting because while most photos are beautiful or abstract or a depiction of a story or moment, this was a simple image of a man like character that is not pretty or telling.

A Srange Troll Like Man
Image source: Manthara, 
a Wayang Kulit shadow puppet

It is fascinating to know so little now, but be on the edge of learning so much about a new culture and its history!!

Storybook Favorites: Insight to the Semester

Bedtime Stories

This storybook was very interesting. It was entirely new to me, but creating a journey through the stories by telling "bedtime stories" was very familiar. There is something about a bed time story, even reading about it from the outside, that seems familiar, inviting, and intriguing. While the overall title didn’t give much insight to what the storybook is about, the subtitles for the individual stories gave a general idea to what each story would be about. The layout and design of the page are nice. The sparkles on the page make things feel more like a dream, which helped me develop the attitude of a reader for bedtime stories. The Introduction has a good hook with setting up the scene for the main characters to tell bedtime stories to their children but leaves you wanting more by not telling the actual story until the following part of the storybook. The stories were well written and fun read, and the page was easy to navigate.

A Blue Man Hunting a Gold Deer While a Pretty Girl Watches
(Image Information: Web Source: ConceptArt)

Rama vs. Sita

There were a few elements to this story book that I loved. While the story was entirely new, it seemed remotely familiar, and I had some understanding because of the previous story book I had read. The introduction set up the entire storybook well by breaking it into parts, almost like a series of events, with each important event or part of a trial as a new story in the book. This is clever because the reader always wants to read on to reach the "ending." The navigation was simple as well as the design. The title was moderately clear. It was obvious from the title there would be two people against each other, but contextually it could have been about anything. The sub story titles did a better job at conveying the context of the original title. In my storybook, I might like to use the style that this storybook did, taking one large story and breaking it up into significant chapters.

Delilah's Radio Hour

This was probably my favorite of the three storybooks I explored for several reasons. First, I thought the topic and layout was very clever. Second, it was familiar. Third, it was a unique approach. The introduction was a good way of setting up the entire book and clearly allowed a reader to see that this was a twist on the Delilah show. Just as Delilah makes me want to stay to listen to a caller, this storybook Delilah captivated me, making me want to read on. The creativity of the was unlike any of the others. The design was simple and not distracting which allowed the reader to be in tune with the story. I would potentially like to use dialogue in my storybook as this storybook did. This was my favorite.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Introduction: A Little Bit About Ali

January 14th, 2017

Hello!! My name is Ali Sylvester, and I am going to tell you a little about myself.


I was Sooner Born and Sooner Bred (actually). I have lived in Oklahoma my whole life. I am 21 years old and the oldest of 3 children. Although my parents are divorced so it gets a little complicated with "sides of the family". I have a brother who is 15 named Joseph and a brother who is 9 named Greyson, and they are both so incredibly important to me. I have 3 dogs all under 2 years old who I love dearly. Rousey, Oakley, and Ruger (Ruger is my favorite, by far).

(image information: personal photo of my brother and I on my birthday)

(image information: personal photo of Rousey)

(image information: personal photo of Oakley)

(image information: personal photo of Ruger)


I am a Junior at The University of Oklahoma. I have 30 hours left until I graduate. Time flies in college!?!? I am a Communication major minoring in Public Affairs and Administration. There are so many things I love about my major, but my absolute favorite part about studying communication is that it can be applied to absolutely anything. I hope to graduate in December 2017 and continue working.

I currently work in ministry at Victory Family Church in Norman, Oklahoma. I am beyond passionate about my work because I get to bridge the gap between people and systems. How cool is that!? I believe I am called into ministry, and I have found that when I aligned my passions (people and analyzing) with my purpose (glorifying God’s kingdom and loving His people), this job couldn’t be a better fit for me.


I absolutely love the mountains.

I love mountain activities. Hiking and downhill skiing are two of my absolute favorite hobbies.

I love iced coffee is all seasons. Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter.

I am legally blind in my right eye and it is uncorrectable.

My dream job is to be the person who chooses the entire soundtracks to movies and television shows. (whatever that might be called).

I have an irrational and overwhelming phobia of police and I have no idea why.

I have never seen Starwars or Star Trek or all of the Harry Potter movies.

My favorite move it Beauty and the Beast.

I am currently learning Piano.

Funny Story

When I was 12, I thought I was going to be on Broadway. I memorized entire plays and sang/acted/danced my heart out (around the house). I thought I was INCREDIBLE.. mostly because my mom always told me I was. Then in 6th grade, I tried out for the lead in the musical put on by our Drama department called "Quack Jr.". Guess what, not only did I not get the lead, but I didn't make the musical at all. I was baffled because my mom thought I was great... HAHA. It was then I realized maybe I am not as good as I thought. BYE-BYE Broadway dreams.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Week 1 Story: Run Away Wife

January 13th, 2017

Week One Story: Run Away Wife

I DOUBT, I doubt, my fire is out;
My little wife isn't at home;
I'll saddle my dog, and bridle my cat,
And I'll go fetch my little wife home.

(Love and Matrimony Nursery Rhyme)

Long ago, in a winter town called Nasha, there was a strong young man named Timmy. Timmy was a handsome gentleman and lived a good simple life. He lived on a nice plot of land given to him by his father, had a darling dog named Daisy and a cuddly cat called Curt. Timmy worked in a factory in Nasha’s city center making machine equipment and was good at what he did. Every day was the same for young Timmy. He would wake up at the crack of dawn to feed Daisy and Curt. Then, Timmy took a piping hot shower, dressed, ate a bowl of oats with a tablespoon of honey, put on his winter boots and heavy coat, and headed on foot to where he worked, the factory, just 2 miles from home. Timmy worked hard all day crafting equipment, got paid, and made his trek home. Once home, Timmy always greeted his sweet Daisy and Curt, headed outside to cut firewood, and came inside to enjoy a toasty fire with his dearest pals. Timmy enjoyed his life and his daily routine very much. One day Timmy’s whole routine was thrown for a loop when he received a call from his father, Gary. Gary told Timmy that he had found a young woman for him to marry. Timmy assured his father he was fine without a wife, but Gary told Timmy he had already made an arrangement with the young lady’s father, and if Timmy wanted to keep his comfortable life on his father’s plot of land he would marry the young woman.

(Chimney with Smoke)
Source: Wikimedia

Two weeks later Timmy was married to the woman. Her name was Sheryl. Sheryl realized Timmy lived a very routine life and found it boring and dull compared to her previous life, but she did not complain. Timmy did change one thing about his daily routine after marrying Sheryl. Before Timmy left for his hike to work, he started the fire to keep the winter cold away and Sheryl warm.

Day after day, Sheryl would stay home with Daisy and Curt stoking the fire and cleaning the house. Night after night, Timmy would come home and sit by the fire with Sheryl and the animals unwinding from the day of hard work. Timmy grew to love his obedient, soft spoken, kind wife in a way. He looked forward to the hike home from work each and every day because the entire two-mile trip, he could follow the smoke from the chimney to his quaint home where he would find his little wife stoking the fire and prepping his dinner.

One day Timmy’s routine was ruined by a major misfortune. The day started like any other. Timmy woke up at the crack of dawn to feed Daisy and Curt. He took a shower, dressed, and ate his oats. He started the fire thinking of Sheryl, and then put on his winter coat and headed to the factory. Timmy worked hard all day, got paid, and began his trek home. 

I DOUBT, I doubt, my fire is out;
My little wife isn't at home;

When Timmy took his first steps out the factory door, he looked for the chimneys smoke, but this time, he did not see it. He doubted his fire was out. Sheryl always kept the fire burning for him. He continued his walk home confused and doubtful that his fire was not burning. Once home, Timmy walked through the doors expecting to find Sheryl asleep, because that could explain why the fire had ceased burning. To his dismay, Sheryl was nowhere to be found, but the house was clean, the pets were lounging in the front room, and a note was laying on the fire mantel. 


I'll saddle my dog, and bridle my cat,
And I'll go fetch my little wife home.

The note said,
“I can’t keep this fire burning –Sheryl”

Timmy was very angry. He called his father in a panic. Gary insisted he go get her back because he needed to honor the commitment he had made with Sheryl’s father. Timmy did not want to fetch his wife for she had left him, but he didn’t want his father to think of him as disobedient, and he didn’t want his father to take back the land he was living on. So, Timmy gathered the little he had, including his dog Daisy and his cat Curt, and he headed off on foot to find his little wife Sheryl…

The End.

Authors Note.
In the original story, a man doubted his fire had stopped burning. His wife was not home, and he was going to use any means necessary to get her back, even if the meant saddling up his animals. This fable instantly reminded me of the story of Hosea and his wife Gomer in the Bible in which a man is living his life is called by God to marry a promiscuous woman. Out of obedience Hosea does, and he and Gomer begin a family, but later Gomer runs away returning to her previous life. When Hosea becomes aware, the Lord tells him to go buy his wife back. I wanted there to be some parallels with the Hosea and Gomer story as well as be unique in that the love in the story is the fire and while it is keeping Timmy warm, it is a lot of work for Sheryl. 

This story is based on the nursery rhyme "I DOUBT, I doubt" in The Nursery Rhyme Book, edited by Andrew Lang.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Picturing my Favorite Places

January 11th, 2017

When I came across this assignment the first thing, I thought of a Quote I have always loved from a book I owned as a girl.

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go."

-Dr. Seuss

I love to travel and explore. Below are 2 of my favorite places.

Sevilla, España

(image information: personal photo of the Sevilla Town Square; photo from July 2016)

Photo: Espacio Parasol Sevilla
Wooden Structure in Sevilla, Spain completed in 2011
Source: Wikimedia

Over the summer, I went to Spain for a month to study abroad. I love the Spanish culture and language. I spent 4 weeks immersing myself in all things Spanish. I quickly fell in love with Spain and Sevilla specifically. Sevilla was my home town where I lived with my host mother. I spent hours strolling through parks and exploring neighborhoods day after day. It is easily one of my favorite places now. There is something about Spain that moved me in a way I have never experienced. The weather was incredibly hot, the food was terrible, but land, architecture, and people blew me away. I hope desperately that one day I am able to return to the beautiful country of España and the familiar city of Sevilla.


Photo: Fall colors near Ridgeway, Colorado by Larry Lasma
The beautiful mountainous terrain of Colorado
Source: Wikimedia

(image information: personal photo of a hike in Colorado Springs; photo from March 2016)

Colorado has to be my absolute favorite place. Something about the mountains drew me in, and the Colorado culture has won me over. Being from Oklahoma my whole life taught me to be grateful for things that aren't flat or "hilly." I love it for so many reasons. I enjoy the activities you can do in Colorado. I love that it feels like a different place in the winter than in the summer yet both incredibly special. I like all parts of Colorado. I love the river, the peaks, the valleys, the fields, etc. I love South Eastern, Colorado and the Million Dollar Highway, as well as the popular tourist ski resorts. I feel at home in the Colorado Rockies. If you have been to Colorado and liked the winter there, you will love the summer there even more. The scenery has no end, and I feel like I am looking at a photographed backdrop whenever I am there. The mountains have fascinated me since I was a young girl, and I believe that Colorado may be the greatest place in the United States. 

These are my favorite places. Check them out if you get the chance. They will change your life!

Ali Sylvester

Seuss. (1990). Oh, the places you'll go!. Random House Children's Books.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ali's Comment Wall

January 11th, 2017

Hello, Everyone! Welcome to my Comment Wall! I am excited about this Indian Epics Course and look forward to receiving comments from you all!

Here is a link to my new StoryBook Site!
The Wild West

 Image Information: Wild West Show at High Chaparral by High Chaparral Sweden
Source: Wikimedia.

Indian Epics Test Post

January 11th, 2017

This is a test post for my Indian Epics Class Blog.

Ali Sylvester