Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata Part C

Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata Part C

Episode 18

Karan's body being enchanted is cool. Having gifts as long as you remember. I like how he came to be. He was the floating baby like Moses in the Bible. They both realized who they really were! Karna was not honest with Drona about who he really was.. that says a lot about his character. But bearing pains in silence is not good. That remind me of Arjuna from my storybook with his mother's death.

The art of war sounds intense!

Episode 19

Why should Karna not be able to fight.. What's the harm?

I like how the epics and the Bible have parallels!

People becoming disciples and learning from a teacher.

The art of war that could destroy entire worlds... that's intense!

the scorpion that stung Karna seemed like a sign of they ways he suppresses his pain internal and external...

Karna's life seems hard. He seems like a good guy why is everyone so harsh?

Episode 20

Arjuna was admired.

But Karna who learned the art of war wanted to challenge Arjun. No

I love Arjuna

The Pandavas cant fight Karna because he wasn't royal.

Kunti fainted, and the evil Pandavas cousin saved Karna. I like him less now!

Episode 21

Friendship through training that's a good Theme!

Friendship is everything.

Promises are bad though.

The friendships seems like a middle school friends drama with lots of petty lols

Episode 22

Arjun was the best archer of them all heck yes.

I don't know why he's my favorite!

The eldest wiser Pandava would be king.

Arjuna needs to chill out!

A palace that would burn easily is clever.

The epics have a lot of sneaky in them!

Episode 23

I liked the baby Pandavas, but the adult ones annoy me a bit

I don't really know why!

I like Kunti though!!

Little did everyone know the cousins survived the evil plot!

Episode 21

Sometimes I feel like the epics video jump around

The voice changes throw me off a little bit too!

I would watch the movie

I think it seems very action packed which is why I feel like it works for The Wild West

Image Info: Statues of Pandavas
Author: Adityamadhav83
Source: Wikimedia

Title: Mahabharata
Author: Epified TV (India)
Year: 2015

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