Sunday, January 22, 2017

Famous Last Words: First Week of Senior Year

This week has been exciting. I love the beginning of the semester because everything is fresh and no one is burned out yet. While I now this usually fades within the first couple of weeks, I hope that the format and layout of this class can keep me motivated and on top of things. I enjoy that beyond our regular assignments, which are super fun, there are self-growth with extra credit opportunities. ( O am a sucker for anything self- help or personal development.)

This post might differ a tad than the 'Famous Last Words' posts to come because it was the first week. There wasn't reading from text this week, but rather a lot of reading and rereading the assignment to make sure every time I was submitting something that I was doing correctly! I did choose my reading for week two, though. So we are about to hit the ground running. I think this week was a learning curve. This class style is new, and I enjoy it. I think it allowed me to work more freely. My best writing this week was probably in my week one story. I am not naturally creative, so I put time and effort into choosing a story and writing something that parallels to another story that was important to me. It was interesting to read the writing styles of other students. I forget writing is so unique to each. There are some very creative students in this class!

Beyond this class, things are going well. My classes are interesting, and I have enjoyed them. I will say things have been a tad rough the first week. I lost a grandparent ( it is okay ) I just say this because, with planning and visiting family, I have been preoccupied.

I hope that next week is better in regards to time to take care of course work and real work.
All that being said, I have very much enjoyed this week of school and looked forward to a new semester. Maybe I'll adopt a new growth mindset!

Image Information: Optimistic Stock Photo
Source: Pixabay



  1. Ali, you seem very optimistic and happy to engage in your classes and the work you need to get done. It’s really good to hear someone being so positive and encouraging about their work. I also think it’s great that you seem to be fully aware of what you see as your strengths versus your weaknesses. That’s a huge asset and not one that many people possess for that matter. Keep on working hard, and congratulations on it being your senior year by the way!

  2. As we are now moving past mid-terms, seniorities is really starting to kick in! This was a great reminder to look back to the beginning of the semester, and remember to stay in a positive mind set. Our attitude about classes and the work that we do is completely up to us, and our gaze now should shift to finishing the semester strong!!

  3. Hi Ali,
    Can you believe in less than 1o day you'll be done? I decided to visit this post and comment and see how you were feeling before your last semester kicked in. It's good that you set out to have a positive mindset this whole semester, and I am sure you have accomplished that. Even these last 10 days, you should remain positive because negativity can affect our performance! I wish you the best of luck with your future, and congratulations on graduating!
